14 May 2009

Twittering with the Geeks

I recently watched the "I Am a Geek" video put out by the Society for Geek Advancement. Since I expect my audience is intelligent (I know it is, because at this time, my audience consists of Me), I won't insult anyone's intelligence by putting links everywhere for the video. To make sure it doesn't get lost in the fathomless archives of expired content in them thar "inter-tubes" I will probably post with the video imbedded. When I do, I will include a link to Wil Wheaton's blog post about it, and the subsequent discussion by his audience. I actually found it all pretty interesting. I also found myself doing my best emotional/intellectual impression of Charlie Brown: "Yeah, that's right. The video pandered to us!" "Oh, that's a good point. We're being elitist by critcizing them." "Yeah, you're right, too: we're all geeks in our own way." "But you're right, as well: this is just publicity seeking." "OK, you've got a point. It might be genuine; who are we to judge?" ad nauseum...
Anyway, I watched the video after reading Wil's post, and all his comments. The only part I was really offended by was when someone (and if I was the "right kind" of geek, I'd have recognized him, and be able to recall who he was off the top of my head) said, in reference to D&D and Magic: The Gathering, "But they look really fun." He said it in a very condescending tone that one can only truly understand when they've heard it and been on the receiving end of it for years. That douche-nozzle really was the only part that truly bothered me. I've seen That Guy before. I've met That Guy before. I hate That Guy. I've been That Guy, and that's what makes me feel the worst: he looks at people he sees as "Geekier" than him, and thinks he's cool, even if he's only cooler than "some Geeks". Yeah, that was a cheap shot from the Jock-tionary, and I feel appropriately dirty for it. Don't worry, I'm atoning: I'm watching Reaper and Mythbusters on my DVR, while typing this post in one of two open browsers, each with multiple open tabs, and neither of which is Internet Explorer. And I will be listening to Geek-centric podcasts on my commute (things like GeekSpeak, Geek Survival Guide, All Games Considered, On Board Games, How Stuff Works, Geek Acres, etc.)
The true point of this post was to share something that I found in my Twitter feed. Wired.com published an article on their site informing people of their top 100 Geeks to follow on Twitter. I was pleased to see that I was already following at least 10 of them via my own discovery. But I was also really excited about all the others that I discovered in there. I followed everyone that was listed as Contributors of the "I Am a Geek" video, fully intending to cull the herd as I decided which ones were worth continuing to follow. Most of the contributors are in the media, but a lot of them are in the Geek Media, and are the initiators and creators of their outlets.
Anyway, here's the link to the article: Wired.com's 100 Geeks you Should Be Following On Twitter
It's not an entertaining article, so don't expect the barrel of laughs I provide here... erm - yeah. So, anyway. That's all.

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