23 April 2014

100 Word Stories - "Hold Your Tongue" -or- "Overreact Much?" (*advisory* *implied violence and dark theme*) (Repost from Facebook, 21 December 2009)

I re-awoke at the shock, ice-cold water mixing with warm blood and sweat. The pain that knocked me out re-awoke as well. I winced. I fought to open my eyes against the swelling. It was pointless: the light was in my face; everything was shades of black.
“Put your hands through the armholes.”
“So the fire ants can bite you.” – “No? OK. ‘Or else’.” He back-handed me, then squeezed my cheeks, forcing my broken jaw open. I winced again.
“Ah – Because…” He slid a forceps between my toothless gums, grabbing my tongue and pulling. “You insulted my hat.”

This was in response to the prompt of "Hat" from the 100 Word Podcast Weekly Challenge #191 (Week Ending 12/19/2009). It's a bit more grim than most of my stories, but I actually found the "plot" of the story a little bit funny, so I couldn't resist. It started out as strictly 3rd person, but then I thought about making myself either the victim or the bad guy, and it just worked.

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